Business Performance Health Check

Are you struggling to determine those priorities that will achieve your goals?
When was the last time you reviewed with mentor , or business coach the health of your business?
The opportunity to work on your business in a highly productive 1-2 hour intensive ‘Business Health Check’ session.
Prior to the meeting with us online will have you complete two diagnostic tools to provide insight for that meeting on your business performance and level of change readiness.
- find clarity to your key business challenges, opportunities and understanding of your probability of change success.
- We will work with you to establish clear set of strategies and actions to take your business forward in the year ahead.
Is your business strong enough to deal with disruptions and emergencies?
Do you want to scale but don’t know where to start?
Use our business health check diagnostic tool to identify changes you can make to help your business survive and thrive.
Answer questions to assess:
- your business strengths
- areas for improvement.
You will receive a personalised report with:
- and we will contact you with next steps and recommendations
Regardless of whether we run a business, manage or are part of a team we all lead in some way. But leadership styles vary greatly, are you a visionary, a great implementer, strategic thinker or team coach? What are the fundamental attributes that set great leaders apart? What are your leadership strengths and weaknesses? Take this 25-question diagnostic to discover strengths to build on and weaknesses to address from 10 key success factors. Complete these 25 questions (it should only take you 5 minutes) to identify from 10 key factors, the top 3 areas that are working well and top 3 areas you need to work on to scale up and boost your business value. If completing on your mobile phone ensure it is held landscape for ease of use.
You will be presented with your results immediately after clicking ‘Submit’ at the end of the diagnostic. You will also be sent a copy of your results to the email address supplied.